Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Rewind: YWCA Mary Dover practicum offer

I remember walking out of the YWCA practicum interview with a sinking feeling in my stomache.  During the interview the lady who may have been a co supervisor said "It sounds like you need to go to sherriff king".  That's because all my experiences have been around children and programming around children's needs.  I wrote a letter after my interview just to make sure that I didn't leave on a bad note.  There were so many other canidates that I was sure I wasn't going to get it but I wrote a letter anyway.  I didn't wanna be a one trick pony, if that's where I was headed.

It turned out I was offered a position but I was also offered a position at the ability hub.  i was in a conundrum.  I felt I had faught so hard just to be the womans shelter but ultimately felt that if they didn't want me in the first place, I would have a hard time defending myself every step of the way when I was there.  I decided then that i would accept at the ability hub instead.

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